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Tom McTigue & Sam Buchsbaum — Minted

Tom McTigue


Sam Buchsbaum

Wedding Party

Abby Kennedy


Abby and Samantha met in 2011 at Yelp! They would chat in the halls about hair curling and cute Forever21 dresses. Their friendship quickly became close and would remain that way over the years, regardless of their physical distance. Thank goodness they are both back in their favorite state of AZ! Abby and Samantha have also been to 5 Taylor Swift concerts together and plan to go to the rest of them until the end of time. Tom and Abby grew closer over Tom's love for her two dogs Bronco and Buddy.

Alexandria Cella


Alexandria "Cella" and Samantha have known of each other since ASU days, but have really become best friends from working at Yelp together. They have moved back and forth from Scottsdale to Chicago a few times and have been roommates twice (in the same house). Tom would like to think Cella is now actually HIS bff, as well as a talented basketball player, probably to try to steal her weenie dog Frank from her.

Alexis Pavia

Flower Girl

Alexis is niece to Samantha and Tom. She loves to be funny, facetime, dance and to be the center of attention. Alexis lives with her parents Brooke and Michael and her baby sister Skylar in CA!

Annie Zears


Annie is Tom's favorite sister by default. Samantha and Annie hit it off right away, sharing their love of Costco, Amazon deals and comfy clothing. They cannot wait to be sisters!

Augie Leahy

Ring Bearer

Augie is Tom's nephew/cousin. Augie is Best Man Timmy's son. His notable accomplishments are walking, chatting, and being best friends with Louie!

Brandon Hetz


Tom met Brandon his first week at Millikin University (the Harvard of the midwest) all the way back in 2002 and they were fast friends. To this day, I don't think Brandon has ever actually called Tom by his actual name, but rather Quigley. Although Brandon and Tom have not lived in the same state for 15 years, every time they hang out they have about 48 hours of fun followed up by 24 hours of laying around. Brandon currently lives in Carmel, IN with his wife Laura and 2 kids Jace and Cait.

Brian McTigue


Brian was forced to be Tommy's big brother starting 6/17/83. Whether it be driving Tommy around, introducing him to new music, or being patient when their Mom merged their names, Brian has always played the part of patient big brother to a tee. Brian currently lives in Chicago, IL with his girlfriend Stefani, her daughter Scarlett, and Mali the dog :)

Brooke Paiva


Brooke is Samantha's Stepsister. They were actually friends in highschool and had no idea that one day they would be lucky enough to be sisters! Even though Brooke lives in CA, they are always in contact and love to Facetime and shop while together.

Callie Penalosa


Callie is Samantha's Stepsister. Samantha's whole life she wanted a baby sister and she was lucky enough to gain one in her early 20s. Callie and Samantha bond over shopping, fine dining meals and watching movies on the couch. Callie lives in Orange County with her new husband Nick and her pup Winston.

Chris Noonan


Tom has been friends with Chris aka Da Man aka JFC since 2002 where they met at Millikin. Chris and Tom didn't get super close until Chris forced Tom to give up his dream job of being a golf bum living in Florida and jump start Tom's career as a recruiter. After talking him into the job- he also talked Tom into moving into his apartment on Southport, only to split off and move in with his roommate/partner, Christina, 6 months later Although Tom and Chris finally decided to stop being roommates at the tender age of 30, they still to this day are in contact daily. Chris likes to be referred to as "Da Man" do to his high winning percentage in FIFA. He currently lives in Chicago, IL with his partner Christina (usher) and is a dear friend to both Tom and Samantha.

Christina Witczak


Christina aka "Sweet Girl" has not only endured living with Tom (through groomsmen Chris), but was always willing to lend an ear when Tom and Chris had tough days at work building their careers. She has always pushed Tom to help see a different persepctive other than his :) Christina currently resides in Chicago, IL with her roommmate/partner/groomsmen Chris. And btw- if you need any tips on how to communicate- feel free to ask as she has a Masters Degree in Communication.

Doug Pauly


Doug aka The Big Crispy has been friends with Tom since week 1 at Millikin University in 2002. Their first interaction was not overly pleasant as Doug had taken Tom for a sucker and tried to rip him off. Doug and Tom were college roommates and continued to get closer post college through their love for golf. Tom insists that no one can make him laugh like Doug and considers him to be a dear friend. Doug currently lives with his cute new wife Allie along with the worst dog of all time, Bruce, in Downers Grove, IL.

Eloisa Howenstine

Flower Girl

Eloisa is Samantha's God Daughter (to everyone except the Church). Tom is probably half marrying Samantha just to also be Eloisa's God Dad. Eloisa loves to talk, laugh, read, and be the center of attention (and our hearts).

Erik Skurka


If we told you the story of how Tom & Sam know Erik- you probably wouldn't believe it, but in short its through Tom and Erik's wife Aly. Erik and Tom quickly bonded over their love for golf and as their friendship grew, Tom saw that Erik was not only a great golfer/friend, but wonderful husband. Sam first met Erik on Tom and Sam's trip to Chicago and found him to be absolutely charming. Erik currently lives in Chicago with his wife Aly, son Anderson (the lamb), and dog Birdie (sweetsy).

Jacob Buchsbaum

Ring Bearer

Baby Jacob is smiling just thinking about the Tomantha wedding. He loves to be held, loves to smile and loves to hang with his doggy brother.

Jackie Howenstine


Jackie and Samantha know each other from Yelp and are now neighbors that live 2 blocks away (30 sec drive, 6 min walk, but who's counting?). They talk on Facetime at least 18 times per day and love to call everything cuttteeeee. They have tons to bond over, including having the same role at Yelp and their love for Eloisa, Jackie's daughter. Tom would also like everyone to know that Jackie's obsession for onions and Pepsi creeps him out.

Jennifer Smitheram


Jenn and Samantha met at Yelp in Chicago. They quickly became friends and would battle over music access on the Chicago floor. Both share in their love for fast food, roasting each other, and being compatible travel buddies. Jenn was Samantha's rock as the two went on dates until they both found the one!

John Howenstine


John is a dear friend to both Samantha and Tom and happens to be married to one of Samantha's bridesmaids Jackie and father to flower girl Eloisa. When John is not running the household, he is usually teaching Tom about the mental aspects of golf, all while taking his money. John lives about a par 5 away from Tom and Sam's house in Scottsdale with Mrs. H and Oisa.

Justin Fredlender


Justing is Sam's step brother and if Tom's read is right, couldn't be more happy to be adding more men to the family. Consult with bridesmaids Callie/Brooke for clarification. Tom and Justin quickly bonded over their love for golf and ability to tease Samantha. Justin currently lives in Los Angeles, CA and his love life is none of your business :) BUT- he does have Diamond status on Princess Cruise lines.

Katie Zears

Flower Girl

Katie is Tom and Samantha's niece. She loves to make everyone laugh and loves to cuddle. Tom likes to think he is the favorite, but she likes to count all of the Samantha's in the room.

Kristen Thorman


Kristen and Samantha know each other from Yelp. They met in Mexico and Kristen always says she was scared of Samantha at first. Since Kristen moved to Chicago they both bonded over Happy Hour and reality trash tv. Kristen now lives in Texas but the two love to visit back and forth.

Matt Huntsberger


Matt is Samantha's friend from Yelp and travel buddy. They have traveled the world together from Bali to Cabo and share in their love of food and fine wine. Matt is also the dog Dad to Toby (Jules' dog).

Max Buchsbaum


Max is Sam's brother and Tom is very happy to be adding more brothers to the pool. Max is so committed to gaining Tom as a brother, that he is taking up golf and spends most of his time watching youtube videos on how to perfect the golf swing. Max and Tom often text back and forth about yummy food ideas and how to best do what Sam is asking him to do. Max lives in Desert Ridge, AZ with his wife Ari and is excited to welcome ring bearer Baby J in July of 2023.

Skylar Paiva

Flower Girl

Skylar is Samantha and Tom's Niece. She is a wild child and loves to smile with her perfect cheeks. She also loves to Facetime and make cute faces into the camera.

Stephanie Newton


Stephanie is Samantha's best friend since high school. They met at the YMCA and have remained best friends ever since. Even though they have not lived in the same state since they were 18, they still talk on the phone almost every single day and see each other every 3 months.

Timmy Leahy

Best Man

Timmy was fortunate to welcome Tommy into the world as his older cousin as their moms are sisters. Timmy and Tommy are in the midst of a life long game of "one more" which Timmy has a commanding lead in. His hobbies including cooking, being critical of his own cooking, Southeast Asia, meats, trees, and most recently, birds.... Timmy lives in Palos Park, IL with his wife Sara, son Augie, and Tommys favorite dog of all time Louie.

Todd Berry


Todd is Tommy's oldest friend and for some reason still likes him and agreed to stand up in his wedding. They have known each other since they were 13 years old starting out as caddies at Chicago Golf Club. Todd got the distinct pleasure of driving Tommy around all throughout their high school years in the tan van. In return, Todd got to spend time as an honorary member of the McTigue family. Todd currently lives with his wife Sarah, and their 3 children in Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Will Howenstine


Will and Samantha are friends from Yelp, but technically more like family. Tom and Will also have became fast friends since meeting in 2021 on Tomantha's 2nd date. Will is grateful Sam has a real life partner now, he was sick of being Sam's fake boyfriend for all trips and events. Will has been kind enough to give both of them unsolicited, yet needed, life advice, like how to hold a red wine glass.